Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Gagal sepakat, saham AS melorot
Posted by PT KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES BALIKPAPAN On 5:18 PM No commentsU.S. Stocks Decline as Lawmakers Fail to Reach Debt Deal
Posted by PT KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES BALIKPAPAN On 5:12 PM No commentsBloonmberg, (15/10) -- U.S. stocks dropped, following a four-day rally in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, as lawmakers failed to reach an agreement to extend the government’s borrowing limit less than two days before the deadline. The S&P 500 fell 0.7 percent to 1,698.06 at 4 p.m. in New York. The Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 133.25 points, or 0.9 percent, to 15,168.01. The benchmark index dropped as much as 0.8 percent after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rejected a House plan to halt the fiscal impasse and Senate leaders stopped talks on a bill that would fund the government through Jan. 15, 2014, and suspend the U.S. debt limit until Feb. 7. The Senate talks haven’t broken down, spokesmen for the chamber’s top leaders said. The House later revised its plan, which would extend government funding through Dec. 15, rather than Jan. 15, 2014, in the Senate plan, said Representative Devin Nunes of California, who had been meeting with leaders. A vote could come as soon as tonight. The new House proposal would bar government subsidies of health insurance for congressional staff members, along with lawmakers and high-ranking administration officials, Nunes said. A two-year delay in the medical-device tax was dropped, he said. The Congressional impasse has left the government partially shut down since Oct. 1 and could lead to the U.S. reaching on Oct. 17 the limit on federal borrowing.
Emas naik seiring terhentinya pembicaraan plafon utang di Senat
Posted by PT KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES BALIKPAPAN On 5:11 PM No commentsNew York, 15/10 (Bloomberg) – Emas rebound dari level terendah tiga bulan setelah negosiasi untuk mengakhiri shutdown pemerintah AS dan mencegah default terhenti di Senat, meningkatkan permintaan untuk logam sebagai safe haven . Senator Dianne Feinstein, seorang Demokrat dari California mengatakan bahwa pembicaraan telah berakhir tanpa adanya kesepakatan apapun terkait dengan plafon utang ataupun otoritas penyimpangan pinjaman yang akan berakhir pada 17 Oktober mendatang dan shutdown pemerintah di hari ke-15 berlanjut. Indeks Standard & Poor 500 turun sebanyak 0,8 persen seketika itu. Emas menjadi safe haven ditengah kekhawatiran tentang plafon utang, ungkap Phil Streible, senior broker komoditas dari RJ O'Brien & Associates di Chicago dalam sebuah wawancara telepon. Investor kini cenderung menggunakan modus risk-off. Emas untuk pengiriman segera naik 0,7 persen menjadi $ 1,281.80 per ounce di New York. Sebelumnya, harga turun sebanyak 1,6 persen di $ 1,251.85, terendah sejak 10 Juli. Di Comex New York, emas berjangka untuk pengiriman Desember turun 0,3 persen dan ditutup pada posisi $ 1,273.20 pada pukul 01:43 p.m. Dalam perdagangan elektronik, harga naik sebanyak 0,9 persen dari harga penyelesaian kemarin. (brc)
Saham Eropa naik terhadap kemajuan kesepakatan anggaran A.S
Posted by PT KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES BALIKPAPAN On 5:08 PM No commentsLONDON, MarketWatch (15/10) – Pasar-pasar saham Eropa bergerak lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa seiring kebuntuan fiskal A.S mengambil giliran baru dengan usulan RUU dari anggota parlemen Republik dan seiring indeks DAX 30 Jerman main mata dengan semua waktu tertinggi setelah data yang optimis.
Di antara penggerak penting dalam indeks, saham-saham Rio Tinto naik 3,7% setelah penambang kelas berat tersebut mengatakan bahwa produksi bijih besi naik ke rekor kuartalan baru.
Saham-saham Burberry Grup. kehilangan 5,9% setelah Apple Inc. menyebutkan bahwa Chief Executive Angela Ahrendts menjabat sebagai wakil presiden senior dari perusahaan toko ritel dan online. (frk)
Europe stocks rise on U.S. budget deal progress
Posted by PT KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES BALIKPAPAN On 5:06 PM No commentsLONDON, MarketWatch (15/10) — European stock markets moved firmly higher on Tuesday as the U.S. fiscal standoff took a new turn with a bill proposal from Republican lawmakers and as Germany’s DAX 30 index flirted with an all-time high after upbeat data.
The Stoxx Europe 600 index rallied 0.8% to 314.68, on track for the highest closing level in almost a month.
Among notable movers in the index, shares of Rio Tinto gained 3.7% after the heavyweight miner said its iron-ore output rose to a new quarterly record.
Shares of Burberry Group lost 5.9% after Apple Inc. named the luxury-goods firm’s Chief Executive Angela Ahrendts as senior vice president of retail and online stores.
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