WASHINGTON - Chinese military
officials on Thursday ( 15/5 ) new focus blame the Obama administration
over Asia to various disputes in the South China Sea and the East ,
saying ' some neighboring countries ' to use the issue as an opportunity
to provoke problems .
Speaking to reporters at the Defense
Department or the Pentagon , Chief of General Staff Gen. Fang Fenghui
The Chinese military also warned that the U.S. must be objective to the
tensions between China and Vietnam or risk damaging relations between
Washington and Beijing .
He defended the construction of the
oil rig in the South China Sea and said Beijing had no intention of
ignoring drilling despite violent protests in Vietnam .
Fang was at the Pentagon to meet with
the Chairman of the Joint Commander General Martin Dempsey . The meeting
is in the middle of riots that targeted the Chinese at a steel plant in
Vietnam and the protests of anti - China oil rig construction terkair
about 150 miles off the coast of Vietnam.
In response , Vietnam sent ships to
terasebut region , which continues to meet and collide with the Chinese
ships that keep the platform.
Fang stressed that the Chinese
government believes that drilling in China's territorial waters and ' we
do not want to lose an inch ' of the region , which has been passed
ancestors .
Dempsey discussion with Fang refused
to elaborate , saying only that they discussed the ' tensions in the
South China Sea and how provocative actions could lead to confrontation .
Fang said ' some neighboring countries
' to use the American position shifted the focus of its foreign policy
in Asia as an opportunity to ' confuse several issues that make the
South China Sea and East China Sea are not as quiet as before. '
Increased focus from the U.S. to Asia ,
including the addition of military forces , ships and other assets in
the region . ( AP )
Source: VOA
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